We are a national initiative that works to make communities, environments and systems more safe and inclusive for rainbow people.

We work collaboratively with professionals, organisations and wider systems that support people across Aotearoa, including health, housing, social, education and justice.

Our Theory of Change summarises how we work, and what we’re working towards. You can read more about our vision and goals below.


Our vision is of an Aotearoa where rainbow people grow up feeling safe, valued and like they belong in the places where they live, learn, and access healthcare and social support.

Despite progress, rainbow people in New Zealand still face discrimination and social exclusion in a range of forms, including violence, family rejection and social marginalisation. Research shows that this leads to higher rates of serious negative outcomes including mental distress, suicidality, homelessness and addiction across the lifespan.

Rainbow people need to be able to access services that can understand and support them, and where they can be sure they won’t be judged or discriminated against. Currently, many of our health and social services lack the capacity to be safe and inclusive for rainbow people. These gaps are under-recognised in national strategies and policy.

We work to advocate and educate at a decision making level to build understanding of rainbow inequities and resource solutions. We want to grow organisations’ and professionals’ competence and capacity to support rainbow people.

Whether you are a single rainbow advocate in a workplace, a policy developer, CEO, or a team of people working together to improve rainbow responsiveness, we want to provide you with the tools you need to do this work.



We are aiming for systems change, working with key leverage points including funders, political decision makers, researchers, training providers, sector bodies and large agencies that provide health and social services.

In bringing rainbow capacity into service sectors, we will also increase resourcing and capacity of rainbow organisations and groups through engaging their expertise and working in collaboration with them.

We’re working towards seeing:

  • stronger consideration of rainbow issues in policies and strategies

  • services and professionals having improved capacity and confidence to work effectively with rainbow people

  • rainbow people receiving safer and more effective services from health, housing, social, justice and education providers

  • improved health and social outcomes for rainbow people (including lower rates of mental distress, suicidality, addiction and homelessness)

  • stronger working relationships and greater sustainability across the rainbow support sector